One of the most elegant and often performed procedures in plastic and aesthetic surgery clinics
Liposuction is not a method of weight loss, but a method of obtaining more exquisite forms.
It is a “suction” of fat, thus shaping the body. This is the best remedy for cellulite eradication.
Fat cells have a “storage” function. They increase or decrease their volume depending on the excess or deficiency of nutrients in the blood. In liposuction, some of these cells are removed and thus the ability to accumulate fatty tissue at the site where it is worked decreases significantly. This is one of the most enduring procedures.
In liposuction, the effect is greater when one takes care of nutrition and physical tone and wishes to eliminate the focal accumulation of fat. Due to their nature, they do not break down as easily as we would like to have a balanced diet. It is well-known that the accumulations known as “love handles” do not disappear regardless of sport and diet.
For overweight people, the cause of obesity or mass accumulation must first be established. It could be said that this method of shaping the body is suitable for people who have no more than 30% deviation from the norm for their height and structure. The elasticity of the skin and the muscle tone are important for the good effect.
In most cases, the liposuction procedure is a way of shaping the body for people in good health and a normal shape, where over time and years deposits have accumulated with abnormal fat deposition, under the chin, the pallas in the abdomen, the breeches around the hips and also in the thighs, knees, ankles. In men, the build-up is mainly in the abdomen and chest area.
This kind of fatty deposits are not affected by anti-cellulite procedures.
In liposuction the scars are small and the result is remarkable. It is deep and superficial. It is also classical, ultrasonic and vibro-absorption. It is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the areas and volume that is aspirated.
For abdominal liposuction, it is good to keep in mind that the recommended amount of fat that can be removed is up to 3 kg. and a half. When fat is larger, it is recommended that the intervention is staged, combined with a proper diet.
Hip liposuction is one of the most satisfactory patient intervention because it is an area where the removal of fat deposits is definitive.
Liposuction of the chin, hands, calves and ankles is most accurate and is done with a very fine cannula. Here, the surgeon’s skill is of great importance, so that no visible scars remain and the sculpture of these sections is as close as possible to the curves and the structure of the muscles.
Other factors that affect the recovery process are the skin’s own shrinkage. For this reason, the skin does not hang out where the fat is removed. Of course, up to the age of 40, the process is much more pronounced. Then he slowed down. But this does not make people over 40 years old unsuitable for surgery.
During the consultation, determine whether you have overweight or are disproportionate. There is a discussion about your expectations and the real liposuction correction. The distribution of fat accumulation is estimated. Specify the right diet in the pre- and post-operative periods. Measures are taken for special elastic underwear that is worn for 5-6 weeks after surgery.
Write your time for a consultation with us!